DR^2Track: Towards Real-Time Visual Tracking for UAV via Distractor Repressed Dynamic Regression

Visual tracking has yielded promising applications with unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). In literature, the advanced discriminative correlation filter (DCF) type trackers generally distinguish the foreground from the background with a learned regressor …

Learning Consistency Pursued Correlation Filters for Real-Time UAV Tracking

Correlation filter (CF) has proven its superb efficiency in visual tracking for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) applications. To enhance the temporal smoothness of the filter, many CF-based approaches introduce temporal regularization terms to penalize …

Towards Robust Visual Tracking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Tri-Attentional Correlation Filters

Object tracking has been broadly applied in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) tasks in recent years. However, existing algorithms still face difficulties such as partial occlusion, clutter background, and other challenging visual factors. Inspired by the …

AutoTrack: Towards High-Performance Visual Tracking for UAV with Automatic Spatio-Temporal Regularization

Most existing trackers based on discriminative correlation filters (DCF) try to introduce predefined regularization term to improve the learning of target objects, e.g., by sup-pressing background learning or by restricting change rate of correlation …

BiCF: Learning Bidirectional Incongruity-Aware Correlation Filter for Efficient UAV Object Tracking

Correlation filters (CFs) have shown excellent performance in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) tracking scenarios due to their high computational efficiency. During the UAV tracking process, viewpoint variations are usually accompanied by changes in the …

Training-Set Distillation for Real-Time UAV Object Tracking

Correlation filter (CF) has recently exhibited promising performance in visual object tracking for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Such online learning method heavily depends on the quality of the training-set, yet complicated aerial scenarios like …

Keyfilter-Aware Real-Time UAV Object Tracking

Correlation filter-based tracking has been widely applied in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with high efficiency. However, it has two imperfections, i.e., boundary effect and filter corruption. Several methods enlarging the search area can mitigate …

Learning Aberrance Repressed Correlation Filters for Real-Time UAV Tracking

Traditional framework of discriminative correlation filters (DCF) is often subject to undesired boundary effects. Several approaches to enlarge search regions have been already proposed in the past years to make up for this shortcoming. However, with …

Boundary Effect-Aware Visual Tracking for UAV with Online Enhanced Background Learning and Multi-Frame Consensus Verification

Due to implicitly introduced periodic shifting of limited searching area, visual object tracking using correlation filters often has to confront undesired boundary effect. As boundary effect severely degrade the quality of object model, it has made …

Robust Scalable Part-Based Visual Tracking for UAV with Background-Aware Correlation Filter

Robust visual tracking for the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is a challenging task in different types of civilian UAV applications. Although the classical correlation filter (CF) has been widely applied for UAV object tracking, the background of the …