The vision4robotics group is a multidisciplinary research group at Tongji University. Our research interests focus on intelligent vision and control technologies for robotics.
Looking for new students/engineers to work on exciting AI-driven vision-based research and projects (with a limited quota). Candidates with research experience in vision-based Deep Learning, Object Tracking/ Detection/ Segmentation/ Recognition will be considered with higher priority. Please send your CV and a 3-slide PPT describing your previous research experience via if you have an interest. For PhD/PostDoc application, please also attach one of your best papers. (备注:针对硕士与博士(后)申请,为更有效地开展前沿研究工作,原则上优先考虑已具备计算机视觉研究基础与较好python/C++编程经验的申请,亦欢迎已获得省部级及其以上科技竞(比)赛奖励的申请。针对研究生阶段表现优异者,将派去世界名校/研究所、著名AI企业等访问/实习。)
Our paper “SAM-DA: UAV Tracks Anything at Night with SAM-Powered Domain Adaptation” is awarded the Toshio Fukuda Best Paper Award in Mechatronics of ICARM 2024!
Junjie Ye is awarded with 2024 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship! Congratulations!2024-05: 2024 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship!
Our papers “NetTrack: Tracking Highly Dynamic Objects with a Net” is accepted by CVPR 2024 in Seattle WA, USA, 2024!2024-04: One paper accepted by CVPR 2024!
2024-04: Outstanding Graduate Awards!
The graduation thesis of Junjie Ye is selected into the 2023 Chinese Institute of Electronics master’s degree thesis incentive program. Congratulations!2024-01: 2023 Chinese Institute of Electronics master’s degree thesis incentive program!
Yiming Li is awarded with $60,000 NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship Awards. Congratulations!2023-12: $60,000 NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship Awards!
Changhong Fu is ranked on the second prize in the 2023 Youth Teachers’ Teaching Competition at Tongji University. Congratulations!2023-12: Youth Teachers’ Teaching Competition!
Our paper “All-Day Object Tracking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle” achieves prominence as a highly cited paper. Congratulations!2023-10: One highly cited paper!
Changhong Fu is ranked on the 2023 Stanford University Top 2% Scientists list. Congratulations!2023-10: 2023 Stanford University Top 2% Scientists List!
Junjie Ye is awarded outstanding thesis award for the graduation thesis. Congratulations!2023-10: Outstanding thesis award!
Kunhan Lu is awarded the National Scholarship of China for Graduate Students. Congratulations!2023-10: National Scholarship of China!
Our paper “Towards Real-World Visual Tracking with Temporal Contexts” is accepted by TPAMI!2023-08: One paper accepted by IEEE TPAMI!
Our paper “PVT++: A Simple End-to-End Latency-Aware Visual Tracking Framework” is accepted by ICCV 2023!2023-07: One paper accepted by ICCV 2023!
- Our project “Modular Biomimetic Snake-like Robot (including Visual Large-scale Model Base Design and Rapid Edge Deployment)” has been selected as a Key Project under “ Excellent Science and Innovation Education Program” at Tongji University! 2023-07: Excellent Science and Innovation Education Program!
- Junjie Ye, Haoyang Li, Haobo Zuo, and Liangliang Yao are awarded with Outstanding Graduate of Shanghai.2023-04: Outstanding Graduate Awards!
Our papers “SGDViT: Saliency-Guided Dynamic Vision Transformer for UAV Tracking”, and “Continuity-Aware Latent Interframe Information Mining for Reliable UAV Tracking” are accepted by ICRA 2023 in ExCeL London!2023-01: Two papers accepted by ICRA 2023!
- Junjie Ye is awarded the Academic Pioneer of Tongji University (top 10 among all graduate students of Tongji).2022-11: Highest academic honor of Tongji!
Fuling Lin are awarded outstanding thesis award for the graduation thesis. Congratulations!2022-10: Outstanding thesis award!
Junjie Ye is awarded the National Scholarship of China for Graduate Students. Congratulations!2022-10: National Scholarship of China!
Our papers “Siamese Object Tracking for Vision-Based UAM Approaching with Pairwise Scale-Channel Attention”, “Local Perception-Aware Transformer for Aerial Tracking”, “HighlightNet: Highlighting Low-Light Potential Features for Real-Time UAV Tracking”, and “End-to-End Feature Decontaminated Network for UAV Tracking”, are accepted by IROS 2022 in Kyoto, Japan!2022-06: Four papers accepted by IROS 2022!
Our program “Miles of paddy scent tell of a bumper crop year”: The intelligent identification and prevention solution for crops based on deep learning wins the First Prize at the 17th “Challenge Cup” China College Students’ Extracurricular Academic and Scientific Works Competition!2022-03: 17th “Challenge Cup” China College Students’ Extracurricular Academic and Scientific Works Competition!
Our papers “Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Nighttime Aerial Tracking” and “TCTrack: Temporal Contexts for Aerial Tracking” are accepted by CVPR 2022 in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA!2022-03: Two papers accepted by CVPR 2022!
Our papers “Tracker Meets Night: A Transformer Enhancer for UAV Tracking” (also for IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, RA-L) and “Ad2Attack: Adaptive Adversarial Attack on Real-Time UAV Tracking” are accepted by ICRA 2022 in Philadelphia (PA), USA!2022-02: Two papers accepted by ICRA 2022!
- Bowen Li is awarded the Academic Star Model of Tongji University (top 5 among all undergraduate students of Tongji).2021-11: Academic Stars of Tongji!
- Fuling Lin is awarded the National Scholarship of China for Graduate Students.2021-10: National Scholarship of China!
Our paper “HiFT: Hierarchical Feature Transformer for Aerial Tracking” is accepted by ICCV 2021!2021-07: One paper accepted by ICCV 2021!
Our papers “SiamAPN++: Siamese Attentional Aggregation Network for Real-Time UAV Tracking”, and “DarkLighter: Light up the Darkness for UAV Tracking” are accepted by IROS 2021 in Prague, Czech Republic!2021-07: Two papers accepted by IROS 2021!
We formulate a latency-aware benchmark with new metrics for a more realistic evaluation. A new predictive visual tracking baseline is developed to compensate for the latency stemming from the onboard computation. More details can be found here!2021-03: Latency-aware tracking benchmark
Our papers “Siamese Anchor Proposal Network for High-Speed Aerial Tracking”, “ADTrack: Target-Aware Dual Filter Learning for Real-Time Anti-Dark UAV Tracking”, “Online Recommendation-based Convolutional Features for Scale-Aware Visual Tracking”, and “Mutation Sensitive Correlation Filter for Real-Time UAV Tracking with Adaptive Hybrid Label”, are accepted by ICRA 2021 in Xi’an, China!2021-02: Four papers accepted by ICRA 2021!
Our paper “Correlation Filters for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Aerial Tracking: A Review and Experimental Evaluation” is awarded as the best review of object tracking in 2020! (See more)2021-02: The best review of object tracking in 2020
A pioneering UAV dark tracking benchmark consists of 135 videos with a variety of objects. (See more)2021-02: UAVDark135
Our papers “DR^2Track: Towards Real-Time Visual Tracking for UAV via Distractor Repressed Dynamic Regression”, “Augmented Memory for Correlation Filters in Real-Time UAV Tracking”, “Automatic Failure Recovery and Re-Initialization for Online UAV Tracking with Joint Scale and Aspect Ratio Optimization”, “Towards Robust Visual Tracking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Tri-Attentional Correlation Filters”, and “Learning Consistency Pursued Correlation Filters for Real-Time UAV Tracking” are accepted by IROS 2020 in Las Vegas, USA!2020-07: Five papers accepted by IROS 2020!
- Yiming Li, Weijiang Xiong, Junjie Ye and Yujie He are awarded with Outstanding Graduate of Shanghai.2020-07: Outstanding Graduate Awards
Our paper “AutoTrack: Towards High-Performance Visual Tracking for UAV with Automatic Spatio-Temporal Regularization” is accepted by CVPR 2020 in Seattle, United States!2020-02: One paper accepted by CVPR 2020!
Our papers “BiCF: Learning Bidirectional Incongruity-Aware Correlation Filter for Efficient UAV Object Tracking”, “Training-set Distillation for Real-Time UAV Object Tracking“, and “Keyfilter-Aware Real-Time UAV Object Tracking”, are accepted by ICRA 2020 in Paris, France!2020-01: Three papers accepted by ICRA 2020!
The 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019) will be held on November 4 – 8, 2019 in Macau, China. Welcome to the Workshop on Fast Neural Perception and Learning for Intelligent Vehicles and Robotics !2019-11: IROS 2019
Our paper “Learning Aberrance Repressed Correlation Filters for Real-Time UAV Tracking” is accepted by ICCV 2019 in Seoul, Korea!2019-07: One paper accepted by ICCV 2019!
Our paper “Boundary Effect-Aware Visual Tracking for UAV with Online Enhanced Background Learning and Multi-Frame Consensus Verification” is accepted by IROS 2019 in Macau, China!2019-07: One paper accepted by IROS 2019!
-Yiyong Sun is awarded with Best Bachelor Thesis of Tongji University.2019-06: Best Bachelor Thesis Awards