
2024-09: World's Top 2% Scientists 2024 by Stanford University and Elsevier!

Changhong Fu is ranked on the World's Top 2% Scientists 2024 by Stanford University and Elsevier.


2024-07: Toshio Fukuda Best Paper Award in Mechatronics!

Our paper “SAM-DA: UAV Tracks Anything at Night with SAM-Powered Domain Adaptation” is awarded the Toshio Fukuda Best Paper Award in Mechatronics of ICARM 2024!


2024-05: 2024 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship!

Junjie Ye is awarded with 2024 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship!


2024-04: One paper accepted by CVPR 2024!

Our papers “NetTrack: Tracking Highly Dynamic Objects with a Net” is accepted by CVPR 2024 in Seattle WA, USA, 2024!

2024-04: Outstanding Graduate Awards!

- Kunhan Lu and Jilin Zhao are awarded with Outstanding Graduate of Tongji University.


2024-01: 2023 Chinese Institute of Electronics master’s degree thesis incentive program!

The graduation thesis of Junjie Ye is selected into the 2023 Chinese Institute of Electronics master’s degree thesis incentive program.


2023-12: $60,000 NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship Awards!

Yiming Li is awarded with $60,000 NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship Awards.


2023-12: Youth Teachers’ Teaching Competition!

Changhong Fu is ranked on the second prize in the 2023 Youth Teachers’ Teaching Competition at Tongji University.


2023-10: One highly cited paper!

Our paper “All-Day Object Tracking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle” achieves prominence as a highly cited paper.


2023-10: 2023 Stanford University Top 2% Scientists List!

Changhong Fu is ranked on the 2023 Stanford University Top 2% Scientists list.


2023-10: Outstanding thesis award!

Junjie Ye is awarded outstanding thesis award for the graduation thesis.


2023-10: National Scholarship of China!

Kunhan Lu is awarded the National Scholarship of China for Graduate Students.


2023-08: One paper accepted by IEEE TPAMI!

Our paper “Towards Real-World Visual Tracking with Temporal Contexts” is accepted by TPAMI!

2023-07: One paper accepted by ICCV 2023!

Our paper “PVT++: A Simple End-to-End Latency-Aware Visual Tracking Framework” is accepted by ICCV 2023!

2023-07: Excellent Science and Innovation Education Program!

- Our project “Modular Biomimetic Snake-like Robot (including Visual Large-scale Model Base Design and Rapid Edge Deployment)” has been selected as a Key Project under “ Excellent Science and Innovation Education Program” at Tongji University!

2023-04: Outstanding Graduate Awards!

- Junjie Ye, Haoyang Li, Haobo Zuo, and Liangliang Yao are awarded with Outstanding Graduate of Shanghai.

- Xining Lu is awarded with Outstanding Graduate of Tongji University.


2023-01: Two papers accepted by ICRA 2023!

Our papers “SGDViT: Saliency-Guided Dynamic Vision Transformer for UAV Tracking”, and “Continuity-Aware Latent Interframe Information Mining for Reliable UAV Tracking” are accepted by ICRA 2023 in ExCeL London!

2022-11: Highest academic honor of Tongji!

- Junjie Ye is awarded the Academic Pioneer of Tongji University (top 10 among all graduate students of Tongji).

- Haobo Zuo is awarded the Academic Star Model of Tongji University (top 5 among all undergraduate students of Tongji).


2022-10: Outstanding thesis award!

Fuling Lin are awarded outstanding thesis award for the graduation thesis.


2022-10: National Scholarship of China!

Junjie Ye is awarded the National Scholarship of China for Graduate Students. Congratulations!

2022-06: Four papers accepted by IROS 2022!

Our papers “Siamese Object Tracking for Vision-Based UAM Approaching with Pairwise Scale-Channel Attention”, “Local Perception-Aware Transformer for Aerial Tracking”, “HighlightNet: Highlighting Low-Light Potential Features for Real-Time UAV Tracking”, and “End-to-End Feature Decontaminated Network for UAV Tracking”, are accepted by IROS 2022 in Kyoto, Japan!

2022-03: 17th “Challenge Cup” China College Students’ Extracurricular Academic and Scientific Works Competition!

Our program “Miles of paddy scent tell of a bumper crop year”: The intelligent identification and prevention solution for crops based on deep learning wins the First Prize at the 17th “Challenge Cup” China College Students’ Extracurricular Academic and Scientific Works Competition!

2022-03: Two papers accepted by CVPR 2022!

Our papers “Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Nighttime Aerial Tracking” and “TCTrack: Temporal Contexts for Aerial Tracking” are accepted by CVPR 2022 in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA!

2022-02: Two papers accepted by ICRA 2022!

Our papers “Tracker Meets Night: A Transformer Enhancer for UAV Tracking” (also for IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, RA-L) and “Ad2Attack: Adaptive Adversarial Attack on Real-Time UAV Tracking” are accepted by ICRA 2022 in Philadelphia (PA), USA!

2021-11: Academic Stars of Tongji!

- Bowen Li is awarded the Academic Star Model of Tongji University (top 5 among all undergraduate students of Tongji).

- Ziang Cao is awarded the Academic Star of Tongji University (top 15 among all undergraduate students of Tongji).


2021-10: National Scholarship of China!

- Fuling Lin is awarded the National Scholarship of China for Graduate Students.

- Bowen Li is awarded the National Scholarship of China for Undergraduate Students.


2021-07: One paper accepted by ICCV 2021!

Our paper “HiFT: Hierarchical Feature Transformer for Aerial Tracking” is accepted by ICCV 2021!

2021-07: Two papers accepted by IROS 2021!

Our papers “SiamAPN++: Siamese Attentional Aggregation Network for Real-Time UAV Tracking”, and “DarkLighter: Light up the Darkness for UAV Tracking” are accepted by IROS 2021 in Prague, Czech Republic!

2021-03: Latency-aware tracking benchmark

We formulate a latency-aware benchmark with new metrics for a more realistic evaluation. A new predictive visual tracking baseline is developed to compensate for the latency stemming from the onboard computation. More details can be found here!

2021-02: Four papers accepted by ICRA 2021!

Our papers “Siamese Anchor Proposal Network for High-Speed Aerial Tracking”, “ADTrack: Target-Aware Dual Filter Learning for Real-Time Anti-Dark UAV Tracking”, “Online Recommendation-based Convolutional Features for Scale-Aware Visual Tracking”, and “Mutation Sensitive Correlation Filter for Real-Time UAV Tracking with Adaptive Hybrid Label”, are accepted by ICRA 2021 in Xi’an, China!

2021-02: The best review of object tracking in 2020

Our paper “Correlation Filters for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Aerial Tracking: A Review and Experimental Evaluation” is awarded as the best review of object tracking in 2020! (See more)

2021-02: UAVDark135

A pioneering UAV dark tracking benchmark consists of 135 videos with a variety of objects. (See more)

2020-07: Five papers accepted by IROS 2020!

Our papers “DR^2Track: Towards Real-Time Visual Tracking for UAV via Distractor Repressed Dynamic Regression”, “Augmented Memory for Correlation Filters in Real-Time UAV Tracking”, “Automatic Failure Recovery and Re-Initialization for Online UAV Tracking with Joint Scale and Aspect Ratio Optimization”, “Towards Robust Visual Tracking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Tri-Attentional Correlation Filters”, and “Learning Consistency Pursued Correlation Filters for Real-Time UAV Tracking” are accepted by IROS 2020 in Las Vegas, USA!

2020-07: Outstanding Graduate Awards

- Yiming Li, Weijiang Xiong, Junjie Ye and Yujie He are awarded with Outstanding Graduate of Shanghai.

- Juntao Xu is awarded with Outstanding Graduate of Tongji University.


2020-02: One paper accepted by CVPR 2020!

Our paper “AutoTrack: Towards High-Performance Visual Tracking for UAV with Automatic Spatio-Temporal Regularization” is accepted by CVPR 2020 in Seattle, United States!

2020-01: Three papers accepted by ICRA 2020!

Our papers “BiCF: Learning Bidirectional Incongruity-Aware Correlation Filter for Efficient UAV Object Tracking”, “Training-set Distillation for Real-Time UAV Object Tracking, and “Keyfilter-Aware Real-Time UAV Object Tracking”, are accepted by ICRA 2020 in Paris, France!

2019-11: IROS 2019

The 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019) will be held on November 4 – 8, 2019 in Macau, China.

Welcome to the Workshop on Fast Neural Perception and Learning for Intelligent Vehicles and Robotics !

2019-07: One paper accepted by ICCV 2019!

Our paper “Learning Aberrance Repressed Correlation Filters for Real-Time UAV Tracking” is accepted by ICCV 2019 in Seoul, Korea!

2019-07: One paper accepted by IROS 2019!

Our paper “Boundary Effect-Aware Visual Tracking for UAV with Online Enhanced Background Learning and Multi-Frame Consensus Verification” is accepted by IROS 2019 in Macau, China!

2019-06: Best Bachelor Thesis Awards

-Yiyong Sun is awarded with Best Bachelor Thesis of Tongji University.

- Fuling Lin is awarded with Best Bachelor Thesis Scholarship of Tongji-Hirschvogel.


Conference Papers

In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Seattle WA, USA, 2024

In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), ExCeL London, pp.1327-1333, 2023.

In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), ExCeL London, pp. 3353-3359, 2023.

In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Paris, France, pp 1-11, 2023.

In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Kyoto, Japan, pp. 12130-12137, 2022.



FastIUV is a pioneering benchmark designed for vision-based fast monitoring and navigation of the intelligent underwater vehicle (IUV).

SnakeNav2 is a pioneering benchmark designed for underwater snake navigation.


SnakeNav is a pioneering benchmark designed for Vision-based Snake Navigation.


NUT2024 is a nighttime tracking benchmark comprises 180 challenging long sequences.

NAT2021 is a pioneering benchmark designed for unsupervised domain adaptive nighttime tracking.

DarkTrack2021 is a nighttime tracking benchmark comprises 110 challenging sequences with 100K frames in total.

This benchmark is built for visual UAM tracking under Quanser-pased motion capture system environment. It contains 100 image sequences.

Predictive visual tracking (PVT) is a latency-aware benchmark jointly assessing the tracking accuracy and efficiency of trackers.

A pioneering UAV dark tracking benchmark consists of 135 videos with a variety of objects.


Principal investigator


Changhong Fu

Associate Professor

Artificial intelligence, Computer vision, Robotics

PhD Students


Haowen Zheng

PhD in Mechanical Engineering

Intelligent state monitoring, Edge intelligence, Industrial camera


Mengyuan Li

PhD in Mechanical Engineering

Multi-modal fusion, Edge pan-tilt camera, Image enhancement


Shengchen Li

PhD in Mechanical Engineering

Underwater state monitoring, Edge intelligence, Behavior analysis


Yipeng Feng

PhD in Mechanical Engineering

Low-light enhancement, Edge pan-tilt Camera, Object tracking


Zijie Zhang

PhD in Mechanical Engineering

Water environment monitoring, Edge intelligence, Instance object analysis

Master students


Liangliang Yao

MSc in Mechanical Engineering

Low-light image enhancement, Visual object tracking, Computer vision


Mutian Cai

MSc in Mechanical Engineering

Low-light image enhancement, Visual object tracking, Machine learning


Haolin Dong

MSc in Mechanical Engineering

Low-light image enhancement, Machine learning, Deep learning


Hua lin

MSc in Mechanical Engineering

Object detection, Optical Character recognition, Edge intelligence


Yuchen Li

MSc in Mechanical Engineering

Visual object tracking, Machine learning, Deep learning


Bowen Wang

MSc in Mechanical Engineering

Snake robot, Reinforcement learning, Visual navigation


Maolin Ye

MSc in Mechanical Engineering

Underwater state monitoring, Edge intelligence, Behavior analysis


Yongkang Cao

MSc in Mechanical Engineering

Intelligent vision, Edge computing, Multimodal fusion

Engineers / U-E Cooperation


Hongxing Liu

Edge industrial camera, Intelligent state monitoring, Remote visual inspection


Jinbo Li

MSc in Mechanical Engineering

Intelligent vision, Deep learning, Object counting


Liguo Zhang

Intelligent vision, Industrial inspection, Deep learning

Bachelor students


Yucheng Wang

BEng in Automation

Robotics, Computer vision, Visual object tracking, Unmanned aerial vehicle


Xiang Lei

BEng in Software Engineering

Machine learning, Computer vision, Software development


Yiheng Wang

BEng in Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering

Computer vision, Deep learning, Visual object tracking


Zeyu Lin

BEng in Mechanical Engineering

Underwater state monitoring, Skeleton recognition, Behavior analysis


Haoxiang Wang

BEng in Mechanical Engineering

Underwater state monitoring, Image generation, High-density fish detection


Liyao Wang

BEng in Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering

Water environment monitoring, Vessel detection, Image defogging

Previous members


Guangze Zheng

PhD Candidate in Computer Science at HKU, China

Visual object tracking, Robotics, Machine learning


Haobo Zuo

PhD Candidate in Computer Science at HKU, China

Low-light image enhancement, Visual object tracking, Unmanned aerial vehicle, Computer vision


Yinqiang Zhang

MSc in Mechatronics and Information Technology at TUM, Germany

Visual object tracking, Computer vision


Ziang Cao

PhD Candidate in Computer Science at NTU, Singapore

Visual object tracking, Deep learning, Unmanned aerial vehicle


Ziyuan Huang

PhD Candidate in Mechanical Engineering at NUS, Singapore

Visual tracking for UAVs, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Systems


Bowen Li

PhD Candidate in Robotics at CMU, USA

Visual object tracking, Unmanned aerial vehicle, Machine learning, Computer vision


Junjie Ye

PhD Candidate in Computer Science at USC, USA

Visual object tracking, Deep learning, Robotics


Kunhan Lu

PhD Candidate in Civil Engineering at HKUST, China

Visual object tracking, Deep learning, Computer vision


Sihang Li

PhD Candidate in Robotics at NYU, USA

Robotics, Adversarial machine learning, Computer vision


Teng Li

PhD Candidate in Electronic and Computer Engineering at HKUST, China

Visual object tracking, Machine learning, Robotics


Yiming Li

PhD Candidate in Robotics at NYU, USA

Visual object tracking, Pose estimation, Robotics


Jilin Zhao

Engineer in CCTEG Beijing TianMa Intelligent Control Co., LTD

Visual object tracking, Deep learning, Computer vision


Weiyu Peng

Machine Learning Engineer in RoboSense, China

Deep learning, Robotics, Visual Object tracking


Fangqiang Ding

PhD Candidate in Robotics and Autonomous System at Edin., U.K.

Drone perception, Multi-modal fusion, Robotics


Fuling Lin

PhD Candidate in Mechanical Engineering at HKU, Hong Kong, China

Visual object tracking, Unmanned aerial vehicle, Machine learning


Xinnan Yuan

MSc in Artificial Intelligence at NTU, Singapore

Visual object tracking, Adversarial attack, Computer vision


Ran Duan

PhD Candidate at PolyU, Hong Kong, China

Image processing, Visual tracking, UAV visual navigation


Jin Jin

MSc in Management, Technology, and Economics at ETH, Zurich, Switzerland

Robotics, Visual object tracking, Machine learning, Unmanned aerial vehicle


Weijiang Xiong

MSc in Robotics, Aalto University, Finland

Visual object tracking, Machine learning


Yujie He

MSc in Robotics at EPFL, Switzerland

Visual object tracking, Place recognition


Juntao Xu

PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering at HKU, Hong Kong, China

Visual object tracking, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation


Changjing Liu

MSc in Instrument Science and Technology at SJTU, China

Robotics, Visual object tracking


Xiaoxiao Yang

MSc in Automation at SJTU, China

Visual object tracking, Deep Learning, Robotics


Hao Chen

Computer Engineer at iFLYTEK, China

Visual SLAM, Unmanned aerial vehicle, Deep learning


Haoyang Li

Research assistant at UCSD, USA

Object segmentation, Computer vision, Robotics


Jianqiao Lu

PhD candidate in Computer Science at HKU, China.

Biorobotics, Unmanned aerial vehicle, Machine learning


Shaoqiu Xu

MSc in Mechanical Engineering, SJTU, China

Obejct tracking, Unmanned aerial vehicle, Pose estimation, Machine learning


Xiangpeng Zeng

Computer Engineer at Eastmoney Securities, China

Object detection, Deep learning, Unmanned aerial vehicle


Xiaogang Yu

Engineer in Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator Company, China

Intelligent manipulator, Hardware design, Reinforcement learning


Xining Lu

MSc in Robotics at National University of Singapore (NUS)

Visual object tracking, Unmanned aerial vehicle, System automatization, Computer vision


Yicheng Kang

Msc in Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School

Robotics, Computer vision, 3D printing, Mechine design


Yihu Wang

Engineer in MCC Capital Engineering Technology Co., LTD

Visual object tracking, Deep learning, Robotics


Yiyong Sun

MSc in Mechanical Engineering at NUS, Singapore

Robotics, Visual object tracking, Unmanned aerial vehicle, Machine learning


Yufeng Liu

PhD in Eletronic Information and Electrical Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Object detection, Robotics, Computer vision


Yulin Li

MSc in Mechanical Engineering at UCSD, USA

Biorobotics, Unmanned aerial vehicle, Machine learning


Zheng Shen

MSc in Mechanical Engineering at ETH, Switzerland

Fuzzy control, Unmanned aerial vehicle


  • Kaiwu Building, Tongji University, No.4800 Cao’an Highway, Jiading District, Shanghai #201804, China